
Personal Transformation Reflections

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Year of Shedding and Shining

May the year of the Snake in 2025 offer you a smooth journey to know yourself anew as you shed what is no longer relevant.

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Reflecting on How You Are

In this blog, I offer a new process on reflecting on your journey this year. May it offer you a new approach to appreciating your life and allowing life to unfold in the way your destiny intended it through acceptance

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Higher Purpose - Part 2

Sometimes our Higher Purpose is about sharing our own healing stories. This can be vulnerable, but no one said doing your Higher Purpose thing was meant to be comfortable!

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Higher Purpose - Part 1

Your Higher Purpose may not be what you think it is. Rest assured , we already have a Joan of Arc - that position is not vacant. Mother Mary did her thing. Mother Theresa did her thing. Now you do your thing. Not their thing.

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Let Go Let God…

When you release your grip on how things need to be, when you drop your defenses and allow instead the flow of life to move you and shape you on your journey, you are essentially letting go and letting god…

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Mature and Courageous Lover of Truth

Maturity and courage offer a powerful combination in our spiritual journey to support us speak our truth and embody our authentic creative expression.

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Commitment - as an act of Sacred Union

The energy of pure commitment comes through as the Sacred Masculine - with that I mean the energy of pure consicoussness that is represented as the Divine Masculine within you (not someone outside you).

For your Feminine Spirit (i.e the Creative energy within you) to have her desires met or her creations manifested, your Sacred Masculine comes forward through your commitment to make it happen. It is a grounding of that feminine desire in a strong masculine container. All of this applies regardless of gender identification.

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Mistakes are catalysts for your growth

It is easy to choose the ‘safe’ option and ‘avoid mistakes’. But that’s not where your life is. The life waiting for you requires you to take a risk (even if it is a ‘mistake’) and explore a new undiscovered pathway. One step at a time.

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Living Your Vision

Your vision itself is not always some clear destination – but you can guarantee that the vision within you is constantly birthing a new expanded version of you. Truth is – our ego is very happy for us to avoid this vision – way too scary, way too much courage needed, way out of our control. Your Vision is a tapestry of three life components integrated. Find out what these are.

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The truth about High Vibrational Choices

Would you like to free yourself from being stuck in an endless vicious pattern of blame and victimization? We do this by choosing a higher vibrational response in all situations in life. This is the Power of Choice and you get to decide which frequency you want to set it at. You set the vibrational frequency you are at by consciously choosing HOW you respond in any given situation. This takes conscious awareness and a desire to allow Divine Love to decide for you and through you. And it takes a lot of practice. The truth is – it’s a lot harder than you think it is initially.

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Why Feminine?

I am not speaking of the Feminine from a gendered perspective – when I speak of the Feminine, I am invoking the Feminine Face of God but more importantly, how that Feminine Face of God is mirrored within us, a reflection of who we are. This invocation, this mirroring of the Feminine Godself, applies to all bodies, all genders.

It is ultimately, through the exploration of polarity of both Feminine and Masculine, we engage in the greatest healing and transformative journey, arriving paradoxically in Oneness.

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Celebrating our Imperfections

May we all wake up from this desire for perfectionism and bring our loving presence to the one within yearning for healing and be ok with our imperfection.

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From Hopelessness to Wholeness

Whenever we face life with any degree of pain or suffering, there is normally a degree of resistance in play. When we resist futility as though it's the enemy, that's when we feel the pain of hopelessness. So the answer is - don't resist futility. Face it. Turn toward it. Surrender to it. And accept it.

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Simplifying Life in 2022

Doing very little, Being very relaxed. I wondered – could I live this way every day? In Being relaxed, in the space of letting go of trying to achieve anything, I came upon an intention that was tugging at me: What if my life was so simple, I only did what I felt like doing?

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Finding Clarity in times of change

Clarity resides within your soul blueprint located in your heart. It is the by-product when authentic truth-telling happens. When you are no longer willing to be in denial about your situation and you are committed to surrender to what your soul intended for you all along.

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Feeling Stuck

Learn how to navigate through the experience of being stuck and move toward your real purpose in this lifetime.

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