Reflecting on How You Are
I know someone who has been having a hard time with life. She has had to face some very challenging family dynamics. Her toxic job, which she hangs on to despite it being toxic just so she may support her family, is draining the life out of her. Her relationship is not great but she hangs on to it as leaving it would be too hard. Every time I talk with her, she tells me she can’t do it this way anymore as it is killing her. She wants to get therapy and she wants life to change.
This person has been telling me this for the last 5 years, maybe more (could even be the last 10 years!)?
I have so much compassion for her and the challenges she is facing, but how will life change for her if the choices she continues to make and her resistance to what is, is keeping her exactly where she is?
Your toxic job will not change. You either leave it or accept it.
Your family and relationship dynamics will not change. You either change your relationship to it or accept it.
Once you accept your reality – I’m not referring to some disempowered feeling of defeat but the opposite feeling of empowered acceptance of what is – when you accept what is, you can then move on!
I thought I was building a community on my land. The reality was that no one had the time to invest in building community. If I did not accept this reality, I would have grown resentful at these people and continued to feel like the martyr doing everything when no one else was doing their share. As soon as I accepted the reality that no one was invested in building community the way I was, I was able to MOVE ON and free myself up to build my own home.
I believe the power of ACCEPTANCE is one of the most potent transformers in life. The more we resist the card we have been dealt with, the worse the game. You simply cannot live your life in peace and joy when you are in resistance to it.
So, in the spirit of reflection for the year, where in your life are you not accepting your reality as what is?
Where are you in resistance to it?
Where are you in denial of it?
Where are you trying to control or manipulate or alter the direction of life whilst in resistance to what is? It will not work!
As I reflect on 2024, I notice that my plate was full this year. I was very busy transforming and bringing shape to a whole new chapter in my life:
1) I came to accept that I had finite resources to build my house. Through this acceptance, a whole new door of opportunity opened for me where I now know I have infinite resources to build my home.
2) I came to accept that I feel insecure and need my partner to help me feel safe in our relationship. Through this acceptance, I recognised a willingness to explore a more boundless, and unlimited freedom in being in relationship with him.
3) I came to accept that parenting my son who no longer lives with me full time has been so painful and intensely guilt-ridden. Through this acceptance, I have come to see him as a whole sovereign being able and free to shape his life and become the man he is destined to become without my meddling, controlling and manipulation as a mother.
The more I accept what is, the more freedom flows into my life to live the life I was destined to live.
I look forward to 2025!
Join me on a mentoring journey in 2025 and start living an empowered acceptance of who you are destined to become! Email me at to begin your journey.