Commitment - as an act of Sacred Union
What is your relationship to Commitment? Does it bring up fear?
The fear of commitment has many underlying themes.
The one that I am very familiar with is the fear of making the wrong decision. So, even when I had ‘committed’ to something or someone, I would constantly wonder if I made the right decision. In that state of doubt, there is no commitment to my decision; my commitment is to my doubt. No wonder those decisions don’t progress very far.
Sound familiar?
Consider that it is through your commitment – that it is to say the action you take to show your commitment - where what is seeking to be birthed through you, will have the capacity to flourish and thrive. When you commit, it’s either 100% or 0%.
So commitment is really necessary to see things through to completion. How would it feel like to fully commit to:
- Completing those tasks to start your own business or to take that next step towards growth and expansion or towards your vision (see my blog article on Living Your Vision)
- That project or art or course you have been dreaming about doing
- Honouring your spiritual path and getting sober to your reality
- Your relationships
For me, when I fully commit, my wings are unfurled and I’m surrendered to where Divine Love is guiding me to my next step. It’s literally like taking the plunge into an abyss and trusting in the free-fall. So, t’s no surprise that it feels scary and much easier to not really commit.
When you are unable to commit, the experience is offering you the opportunity to explore the underlying fear and to find resolution. It’s not about not blindly committing when there is fear - its about befriending that fear.
We are full of doubt and fearful that our decision is wrong.
There is often a fear that we would lose something when we commit – be it money, our freedom, our independence, sense of belonging, etc.
It is also likely that we are afraid of the transformation that always occurs where there is commitment.
Sometimes, the very act of commitment is the action that sets you free from these fears.
As alluded to earlier, it is through the action you take following your commitment, where the new that is seeking to be birthed through you, will have the capacity to flourish and thrive. This ‘new’ is what we are afraid of, hence our fear of commitment.
The energy of pure commitment comes through as the Sacred Masculine - with that I mean the energy of pure consicoussness that is represented as the Divine Masculine within you (not someone outside you).
For your Feminine Spirit (i.e the Creative energy within you) to have her desires met or her creations manifested, your Sacred Masculine comes forward through your commitment to make it happen. It is a grounding of that feminine desire in a strong masculine container. All of this applies regardless of gender identification.
Many of us do not have a relationship with the Sacred Masculine nor to our Feminine Spirit. Then we wonder why our ideas and projects do not see the light of day.
Your relationship to the Feminine Spirit will call forth a new relationship with the Masculine. Become this union.
From the experience of Union within, you will feel a trusting, loving container supporting you through, to take the next step. You need to still take that step and it might still feel fearful - but you will feel a sense on cohesion within, a surrendered loving embrace. Feel into the joy and bliss of Lover and Beloved.
If you are interested in exploring how to develop your relationship to the Feminine Spirit within you and the Sacred Masculine, then please contact me for a consult to see how I can help.
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