I AM Dheepa
I am here to support those beginning their spiritual journey and are seeking a new way to live life with purpose.
My compassion and love for your radical transformative journey, is my call to service. I love you and I honour you.
My Story
I am an Intuitive Guide and Mentor for your spiritual awakening journey. I am on the 6th Ray (Devotion to the Goddess, gold aspect) and my work is centered in my embodiment practice of intuitive knowing and alignment to Source energy.
When you work with me, you will receive practical and intuitive guidance that supports your spiritual growth and expansion. I weave creative expression modalities with personal and spiritual empowerment practices, to inspire you to create the life you want.
My clients connect with my direct yet compassionate style, intuitive knowing and grounded approach and often experience remarkable shifts in their personal transformation.
With two Masters degrees; in IT in Business and in Social Practice, I spent 15 years in corporate leadership before pursuing a path less travelled in spirituality and personal transformation. This path includes and is by no means limited to, my ongoing learning, expansion and my mentoring, grounded in quantum-psychology, creative expression, shamanism, energetic healing, meditation and mind-body practices.
The energies of the Divine Feminine have played an integral part of my practice through my passion for social justice, sovereignty and inclusivity. My love for creative expression, aesthetics and personal empowerment practices has all been informed by my connection to my Feminine Wisdom.
When I began my spiritual journey of reclaiming my sovereignty, so did my yearning to support women on their empowerment journey. It was here where I would find my place of true belonging; in alignment to my soul’s mission. I took the courageous step to start my own practice as an Intuitive Guide and Spiritual Mentor, offering the work that I do now.
Today I feel so grateful and privileged to be able to share this medicine that has fed and nourished me and grown my own leadership.
Dialogue with Celia Fenn
I share a little about my journey here and explore how the Divine Feminine energies of the times we are in are here to support us to respond to life in a whole new way.
Spiritual Awakening
My spiritual awakening unfolded gradually over time through fiery life initiations. It was through my commitment to my own personal healing and transformation, that led me to a pivotal moment in my spiritual awakening and my ascension journey. This moment cemented my path as a way-shower in this lifetime.
A month preceding this pivotal moment, was a deeply painful time in my life where everything I held as true, fell away and I was literally emptied out. I woke up one night amidst a lucid dream in which I was sobbing at the utter uselessness, of resisting the pain that I was experiencing in my life any longer. I lay down my sword of resistance and surrendered to my pain whilst simultaneously becoming fully present to my connection with Oneness, reclaiming the wholeness of my being. In that moment, I saw that I was being witnessed by Ascended Masters, as I walked through a gateway representing a significant expansion in my journey.
Within a week of this happening, I had another magnificent experience in another lucid dream. In this dream, my heart literally burst open and through my heart appeared an Ascended Master, lighting up my entire body. In that moment, I embodied an experience of compassion that was so expanded, I wished it would never end. I was in tears as the intense energy of Love consumed me.
These experiences felt like a massive culmination, or paradoxically, the beginning of a new time. A time where I was aligning with my heart’s knowing and stepping up to my mission. A time where I was deeply grateful for my journey here as a divine being having a human journey.
I firmly believe in the journey of self-discovery and developing an acute sense of self-awareness. Through our human experiences, we will discover our purpose. It is not about aiming for some spiritual milestone or ascension level - ascension happens naturally when we begin the hardest most emotionally charged journey of loving ourselves whole!
My Medicine Bundles
My work is unique, and so is your unique creative expression that you are here to be. Let’s work together to uncover that expression, supporting you to create the life you want. When we work together, you will receive the clarity and guidance you need to Be the fully expressed soul that you are, in alignment with your mission in this lifetime.
Creativity & Self-Expression
The daily practice of letting go of who you think you are supposed to be and embracing who you are and all of your gifts, is the perfect medicine to heal the most common form of despair; not being who you are. Reclaim your creative spirit and create the life you want!
The greatest courage of all is to claim Self-Love for this is the medicine that births sacred subtle activism, liberation, forgiveness and love for all. Using our body and our presence to create change. This medicine is essential in healing from co-dependency.
The exquisite unfolding of a rose bud, the daring revealing of the Peony in full bloom, the serenity of a Zen garden, is the beauty medicine that we bring into ourselves as ourselves and into our sanctuary where we live, play and work. May Beauty lead us home to the joy awaiting us.
My Training & Embodiment Practices
Masters in IT in Business
Masters in Social Practice: Reclaiming the Divine Feminine in Social Practice
Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness (The Sophia Code)
Vibrational Healing
Women’s Advocate | Refugee Advocate | Social Policy Tutor | Intuitive Guide | Mentor | Facilitator | Artist | Mother | Dancer | Singer
Acknowledgement to my Teachers…
I bow in acknowledgement to these beautiful gentle courageous people who are/were willing to be seen and willing to share their gifts as teachers, healers and Creators/Creatrix…
Suzanne Vesty
Marion Woodman
Pratibha Rajay
Lee Harris
Kaia Ra
Matt Kahn
Jana Carrey
Karen Prosen
Equally, my deepest gratitude to my personal team of guides, Ascended Masters, ones in Spirit who have nourished me and cheered me on this path.