The truth about High Vibrational Choices
There’s a lot of hype these days about High Vibration in spiritual communities. That somehow some people are more high vibe than others and it’s best you don’t spend time with the low vibes because ‘it could be contagious or they could suck all your good vibes from you’.
The truth is – high vibe is a choice you are making in every moment. It covers all areas of our lives including how we are choosing to show up to life, how we respond to people who trigger us, our food choices, our lifestyle habits, etc. If you think you’re high vibe whilst judging another to be low vibe, think again.
High Vibrational conscious choices raise our frequency and support us to live from a reality of unity and love. EVERYONE has this choice – a choice we are all making in every moment. The truth is – it’s a lot harder than you think it is.
My favorite teachers, such as Kaia Ra, Sandra Walters and Matt Kahn, offer beautiful tools and practices to develop our mastery in making high vibrational choices. However, it requires that you make those choices and take aligned action to feel the quality of high vibration.
A High Vibe choice may look like:
choosing to say NO to a friend by honoring your need to stay in stillness AND holding compassionate space for your friend (which includes validating their feelings and honoring their perspective) to have their authentic response to your choice
Allowing spaciousness and Divine Love to guide you in birthing a response in a difficult situation - rather than reacting from a place of woundedness (see more on my Facebook post)
Choosing to focus on your body’s wellbeing rather than instantly appease a craving - it may feel a lot more difficult to say no to chocolate and yes to a walk in nature, but a high vibe choice is leading you to an outcome that is aligned with your highest purpose (and who knows, maybe for you, eating chocolate AND going for a walk might be just be the high vibe choice for you today!)
A lot of people who portray themselves as High Vibes are often bypassing some of the grittier steps involved by setting themselves apart from the crowd through some weird hierarchical lens – that somehow doing more spiritual work makes you more high vibe.
A high vibrational conscious choice is always based on Love, that transcends blame, judgement, duality and lifts you up into a zone of openness, acceptance, oneness and co-creation. It is unconditional and blissful, it is merciful and wrathful, it is expansive and humble. We are always naked, vulnerable and full of merciful love as we make a high vibrational choice.
The High Vibe menu mainly includes humble pie and plain filtered water. Nothing fancy or glamourous like most spiritual pundits make it out to be. But everything tastes better in High Vibe.
High Vibe cannot be sustained through quick fixes. It is an expression of all the High Vibe choices you are making that exudes the energy of Joy, Liberation, Neutrality, Compassionate Mercy and Unconditional Love. And it is always a journey that begins with self-love – some days we’re up there, cruising high, and other days we’re in the gutter feeling hostile, resentful and abandoned. It’s a journey, not a destination.
High Vibe does not mean you treat another as a lesser being than you, or somehow you are superior. It does not mean the other person is bad/low vibe/unconscious nor is it your duty to awaken them or set them straight. It does not mean that you are favored more by the Gods neither does it mean that you are more special than them (you may be farther along in your growth and expansion but it’s never about who’s better or smarter or gooder).
These modes of comparison belong in the dark ages. Prepare instead to bow down with humility and grace to your life’s journey. Come to see that we are all in this together. And yes, sometimes we do part ways when the dynamics no longer align or support us in our high vibe CHOICE to respond from a place of Love. And yes, sometimes that response is wrathful, but it is always polite and diplomatic. We learn how to be kind.
You set the vibrational frequency you are at by consciously choosing HOW you respond in any given situation. This takes conscious awareness and a desire to allow Divine Love to decide for you and through you. And it takes a lot of practice. So let’s get real about the task at hand here.
A High Vibe response is always birthed anew from this space of Love. It is never pre-determined – you only know the outcome in the presence of Love.
Where does Love have a hard time showing up in your life? Where in your life does blame, resentment and victimization define your reality? This is exactly where Life is showing you the work involved to make more High Vibe choices. It begins by opening to receive love first and foremost for yourself.
The good news is we have plenty of opportunities on the daily, to practice choosing a high vibe response. Like when we start to feel agitated in traffic, or when our neighbour is playing their music too loud. Or when you receive a speeding ticket or your hairdresser cancels your appointment at the last minute. Great times to practice. So when we are faced with the bigger issues in our lives like an abusive family pattern that continues to tear a family apart or a toxic relationship dynamic that keeps you stuck in a cycle of self-harm, we would have had plenty of practice to begin to choose a high vibe choice point.
Would you like to free yourself from being stuck in an endless vicious pattern of blame and victimisation? We do this by choosing a higher vibrational response in all situations in life. This is the Power of Choice and you get to decide which frequency you want to set it at. Book a session with me to learn how.
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