Personal Transformation Reflections
Reclaiming Generosity of Spirit during times of lack
Reclaiming a generosity of spirit during times of chaos, uncertainty and fear of lack through invoking and manifesting with Goddess Lakshmi
Boundaries Set You Free
Boundaries are always an invitation, an opening, a loving of self. An opportunity to let LOVE guide your way.
On Being Neutral
Neutrality is that beautiful sweet spot where we can feel deeply present to whatever is happening in our reality without trying to balance things out. It is not about trying to see both sides. It is not about bypassing the judgement about either side. It is not about being OK with what is happening. Yet, it is coming to a place of Peace with what is in front of you.
Personal Sovereign Power
To have my needs met from a place of personal sovereign power, I need to take the action and follow through with the steps to actualise them. This might mean at times rocking the boat, treading on toes and ruffling some feathers.
The 7th Plane of Consciousness
When we go straight to Source, i.e. the 7th Plane of Consciousness, we are no longer restricted and limited by all conditions, laws, vows from the other planes – this is a felt sensation when we arrive in this plane. We are connecting and communing with the very source of perfect health, creation codes and our innate liberation. We are communing directly with God. Why would we want anything less?
Humble Awakenings
There is no grandiose moment where I wake up and say “Yes, I am enlightened… I am now here to Heal you and become this overnight success because I’m going to manifest that”. Instead, it is in my humanity and all the feelings that come with it AND the Spirit that breathes me through it, that I can fully feel into this vast grand beauty of Love, in humility and awe. That to me is a grandiose awakening and that it’s a journey not a destination.
Your Sacred Calling
I refer to ‘sacred calling’ in a lot of my writing, mentoring and workshop facilitations but what do I actually mean by it? I had been obsessed with the search for my sacred calling since ‘waking up’ to my divinity in my late 20’s. Here’s the thing. I still don’t really know for sure what my calling is and it’s no longer a problem. I have a better perspective of my path and my heart’s longing to a certain degree, and to me, that’s all I need to know in this moment. So, what do I mean then when I say: I companion budding Divine Feminine Leaders to discover their unique and authentic niche as they step into their sacred calling.
Navigating Money Fears in your Sacred Calling
Within the context of this article, I would like to invite you to consider how the ideas of scarcity, struggle, competition and luck may still be informing your own beliefs around earning money from your sacred calling. Additionally, how these beliefs are creating the resistances keeping you from your sacred calling. The main purpose of this article is to explore our relationship to money from within Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness. And within this consciousness, abundance is already always available for all beings.
Why ‘Christ’ in Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness?
Hence why Christ Consciousness is part of this divine feminine movement. There is a lot more historical detail and literature that explores the depth and spiritual meaning of Christ Consciousness but it is not my intention here to juxtapose my exploration. I simply wish to declare that in my sovereignty, everything that was taken by Patriarchy, is up for grabs and Christ is no exemption.
Fiery Rage Medicine
I had a bad day on the road yesterday driving to my weekly meditation group. I was trapped in very slow traffic due to a couple of earlier incidents and then finally when we began to move again, on the other side of the road, complete mayhem was unfolding.