Your Sacred Calling

follow through. (on something) and carry through (on something) to complete a task; to see a task through to its completion. You must follow through on the things that you start.

I refer to ‘sacred calling’ in a lot of my writing, mentoring and workshop facilitations but what do I actually mean by it?  I had been obsessed with the search for my sacred calling since ‘waking up’ to my divinity in my late 20’s.  To me this search was both a life-saver and a curse, although it felt more burdensome most of the time.  There were moments when I would be in such despair for not knowing what my calling was that I would wish the Earth herself would open up and consume me whole.  I could not bear doing the ‘wrong’ thing; the wrong profession, the wrong lifestyle, the wrong relationships (apparently this fear is now referred to as FOBO – fear of a better option!!).  The extent of my commitment to discover what it was I was here ‘to do’ became an all devouring obsession rather than a journey.  I thought that once I knew what my calling was, only then was life worth living, only then would everything fall into place.

Here’s the thing.  I still don’t really know for sure what my calling is and it’s no longer a problem.  I have a better perspective of my path and my heart’s longing to a certain degree, and to me, that’s all I need to know in this moment.  So, what is this pursuit about, what do I mean when I say:

‘I companion budding Divine Feminine Leaders to discover their unique and authentic niche as they step into their sacred calling.’

‘Having financial security is often the biggest challenge we face in being able to fully commit to following our heart and stepping into our sacred calling.’

‘I am so excited to share with you my own process for navigating these changes when I transitioned from a 9-5 job to my sacred calling.’

One could deduce from the statements above about sacred calling that there is a sacred place where one hears or feels the pull to move toward. 

A Sacred Place.  To Hear or Feel the Pull.  To Move Toward.

This sacred place lies deep within the truth of who I am, hidden within my heart – not some external place to get to (although it may involve that too).  So, to ‘get to’ this sacred place, I discover the layers, the depths and the expanse of my human journey and beyond that, my multi-dimensional Divine Self.  To discover the depth and breadth of who I am is part of the unveiling of my sacred calling.  There is no firm destination as this exploration will continue to deepen and widen.  This sacred place is a deeply healing and transformative time as you reconcile with the Divine Being that you are.  To reconcile that you are not separate from God / Goddess / Universe / Source / …

Feeling the pull is like a heart stirring.  A deep longing to know self.  A feeling that won’t go away no matter how much you try to make it go away.  Sometimes, it can feel like a depression.  Life is empty and meaningless and this utter despair that cannot be fixed with the ordinary fixes.  There are certain astrological rites of passage (Saturn Return, Jupiter Return, etc) in your personal chart that will sometimes nudge you along to get you on track with your calling (masquerading as the infamous mid-life crisis).  These can appear as a time of crisis and an ending of an old way of living.  Sadly, for a lot of us, we do not heed this call and continue to avoid deep transformative change, locking away our heart and throwing away the keys.  Deep within your heart, lies the message behind the longing.

To Move Toward.  Nothing happens until you actually take action.  A movement toward means you need to do something, to be in action.  All the navel gazing in the world will not serve you if you don’t then allow yourself to take the steps to honour who you are becoming.  There is no fixed destination with your sacred calling – it continues to unfold every time you take that next step to follow your heart’s call.

So ultimately, to follow your sacred calling means following through on your heart’s mission for you – this may be very clear or this may take you on a journey of discovery first and foremost of Self.  Through this discovery, you will come to see what your heart wants for you is always for you to be the most authentic version of yourself, drawing from all your gifts, passions and your life journey.  Your heart will always lead you to invest in what brings you joy and where your interest lies.  But will you follow through?  Following through is your sacred calling. 



Humble Awakenings


Navigating Money Fears in your Sacred Calling