The 7th Plane of Consciousness

In my work as a Divine Feminine Mentor, my intention and invitation to my clients is for all of my sessions to be conducted from the 7th Plane of Consciousness.  This is the plane where we meet Divine Mother Divine Father of All Life / Source / God / Sophia / Buddha or whatever name we may use to refer to the Creator Creatrix of All Life.  In my own experiential exploration, this is the Womb we return to, where all and nothing come from, where you and I are birthed from.

When we build a direct connection to this plane we face directly into our God wound, which is to say we become aware of our separation from God.  And even more a stretch for some is the idea that we are also exploring the feminine face of God.  Hence this exploration can be challenging and triggering for some – yet for others, there is a deep thirst and hunger to return to Source and to reclaim our oneness with Source.

As a mentor, I am only ever sharing with you my journey and my journey is to reclaim my relationship to Source and show up as the Sovereign Divine Being that I am.  This is my own personal journey of resolving my God wound.  An appreciation of the journey to the 7th plane is important for me if it will also shed light on where I lost my connection to Source.  For me, in discovering the 7 planes of consciousness, I discovered a road map home to the Source of All Life.  I share with you this road map in this paper.

Vianna Stibal uses the term Planes of Existence and she explains how there are 7 of them.  The planes are seen and unseen forces of the cosmos, each with its own unique energetic frequency.  She describes how humans and animals reside in the 3rd plane of existence.  Each plane has its own particular set of laws and conditions and are divided by thin veils.  Consider how thin the veils are – when we are sometimes able to see our departed ones, fairies or angels who exist in different planes. 

Stibal also explains how all planes exist within each of us as and are interconnected to form the great whole.  Each veil essentially a belief system programmed into the subconscious mind of every man, woman and child on this planet.  This statement offers insight as to how our belief systems is multi-layered.  We can also set ourselves free from the idea of needing a Guru / Saviour when we can feel this interconnectedness because everything already exists within us – whatever that Guru is teaching you, already exists in you – either to integrate or release. We are always journeying home to our oneness to Source.

A lot of Goddess-worshiping religions are based on the 4th plane. Yet, on the 7th plane, all belief systems are released and we establish a direct connection to the essence of Truth and Divinity, a connection to God whom I refer to as Sophia. 

Through my deep inquiry with The Sophia Code, a powerful codex channelled by Kaia Ra, I learnt how to travel to the 7th plane and learn about who I REALLY am from there – beyond the veils of beliefs that have separated me from Source.  Through this exploration, I come into relationship with the Sovereign Divine Being I am.

This is why travelling straight to Source on the 7th plane is where I run my sessions from, to receive guidance directly from all that is Truth and Divine.  Additionally, as Stibal explains, in order to graduate from the 3rd plane, the human must learn how to use the 7th plane.

This invitation to work from the 7th plane is a vulnerable one for me.  How will it be received by my clients and community? Ultimately, I am speaking about an experience of MY journey and MY truth and this may not always resonate with others.  How much will people be triggered considering we are poking at the core of our God wound?  Additionally, there are so many unconscious vows and oaths and ancestral commitments that we are bound to, that keep us from the 7th unknowingly and the invitation to travel there can be a bumpy one.  Do I even really know for certain if I am ‘going there’ myself?  Yet, going to this place of meeting is always my intention and that is where I begin my sessions from. 

When we go straight to Source, i.e. the 7th Plane of Consciousness, we are no longer restricted and limited by all conditions, laws, vows from the other planes – this is a felt sensation when we arrive in this plane.  We are connecting and communing with the very source of perfect health, creation codes and our innate liberation.  We are communing directly with God.  Why would we want anything less?

Vianna Stibal explains how many Healers work with the lower planes, where each specific plane from 1 through to 5 offer specialist healing opportunities working with specific modalities, yet the invitation for perfect health is to take those healing modalities directly to Source i.e. the 7th plane, and receive the healing from there.  If we want to ‘communicate’ with our ancestors who are in the 4th or 5th planes, we essentially want to have this meeting place on the 7th plane for the Highest Guidance to come through beyond the veils of beliefs from the lower planes.

Over the centuries, due to all levels of trauma, wounding and viral programming through the history of humanity, we have felt unworthy of the 7th plane.  

In other words, we feel unworthy to travel directly to God to receive our Divine Inheritance.

Yet the temple door to the 7th plane of consciousness is always open.  Sophia, Source, God, Goddess, Creator/Creatrix, Divine Mother/Divine Father of all Life, is waiting for us to return and meet Her here. Unconditionally.  In meeting her here, we come to meet ourselves as her mirror.

How magnificent is that offer?

For me, the 7th plane is where I meet you as we explore what is wanting to be birthed in every present moment.

This is where I go to release all my ideas of how things should be done and instead rest on the lap of Divine Mother Father of All Life.  She who is both Divine Feminine and Masculine knows the solution waiting to be expressed through my willingness to receive it.

On the 7th plane, I feel the Divine Love that is only ever saying to me “You are Free.  You are Me.  We are One.  It is time to Remember and Reveal Who you Really Are Now.” (The Sophia Code)

And so it is.

Below is a snapshot of each of the planes as defined by Stibal based on her two books; Theta Healing and Seven Planes of Existence.  I also refer to The Sophia Code. It is not my intention to explain the details of each of the planes in this paper – I highly recommend Stibal’s books for that.  However, this paper is an explanation as to why the 7th plane is where I ‘go to’ even if we are exploring laws and healing modalities that are governed in other planes. 

Overview of the 7 Planes

Seventh Plane

·       Plane of the Creator / Creatrix of All that Is

·       Womb of Nothing

·       Sophia / God / Holy Mother Holy Father

·       Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Christ Consciousness

Sixth Plane

·       Plane of Laws that make the fabric of the universe such as Law of Time, Law of Magnetism

Fifth Plane

·       Plane of Divine and Semi-Divine Beings

 Fourth Plane

·       Realm of spirit world after death

·       School of 5th plane – spirits here are still learning to raise their vibrations to the upper levels

Third Plane

·       Plane of protein based life forms such as humans and animals

·       Divine in nature and easily able to learn how to use Seventh plane force

·       To graduate from the 3rd plane, the human must learn how to use the 7th plane

Second Plane

·       Plane of organic materials – vitamins, plants, trees, fairies and elementals

 First Plane

·       Plane of non-organic material – minerals, crystal, soil, rocks

(The above points are an excerpt from Vianna Stibal’s Theta Healing and Seven Planes of Existence and Kaia Ra’s The Sophia Code)

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Personal Sovereign Power


Humble Awakenings