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Sarah, Vermont, USA

“I encourage all who are drawn to welcoming in a stronger relationship with the Divine Feminine to consider Dheepa’s Know Thyself Small Group Journey.

The small group format is perfect for the Know Thyself process, and Dheepa offers generous invitational space for each person to share/explore the session’s themes, as well as space for participants to support and respond to each other’s process in beautiful ways.

Dheepa’s approach is warm and relatable, and she’s skilled at creating a group container that is both safe and offers transformative potential for each person. Every session was an intuitive weaving of guided meditation, explorations, reflection and discussion that felt very attuned to the needs of the group members. Dheepa’s guided meditations were, for me, a special part of the Know Thyself process. Images and guidance came through to me as part of these meditations that were surprising and powerful – I’m still in awe of that!

I truly look forward to future offerings from Dheepa and hold deep gratitude for the loving support she and my group offered as I took first steps towards an expanded relationship to my Divine Feminine.”

Sarah, Vermont

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Katherine, Melbourne

“To experience Dheepa's guidance in leading, "Know Thyself," in small groups is such a gentle and beautiful process.

Dheepa brings so much generosity and wisdom that truly highlights how special this awakening and rekindling of awareness into one's personal journey.

The Zoom sessions do not diminish the sacredness of the experience. I highly recommend having a conversation with Dheepa to begin and gain clarity.

"Know Thyself" is truly soul-nourishing.”

Katherine, Melbourne

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Gavan, Auckland

“My work with Dheepa has been a surprising joy, gifting me a deep and subtle pathway to self-care, compassion and creativity.

I have done a lot of work with a variety of therapists and workshops over the last 30 years that have bought much healing and self-understanding. Uncovering my family and cultural and gender myths to reveal my traumatised abandoned child within, and the pattern of cultural comforts for my pain that were isolating, destructive and addictive.

Connecting with Dheepa to the divine feminine within and without enables a divine mothering of that traumatised child within, bringing a peace I have hungered for all my life. It enables me to feel and I hope express my joy and compassion for others. Knowing the cosmic divine womb within and beyond opens a portal to creativity in a way I have seldom experienced to.

Although it’s a zoom session, talking, listening and meditating, it’s also a very embodied practice, perhaps through my own and Dheepa’s past work. The insights have unlocked and given deeper understanding of the blockages in my mind, emotions and spirit that I feel in my tight neck and shoulders, my lower back and hips vulnerable to injuries. It has brought much peace and relief to so many levels of my life and relationships.

Having each session recorded enables me to ground and deepen the insights between sessions and to fully engage with the mystery of this extraordinary gift of life I have been graced to live.”

Gavan, Auckland

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Kimberley, Auckland

“I worked with Dheepa for 6 amazing mentoring sessions. I found her profound wisdom very inspiring and she assisted me greatly on my travels and beyond. Dheepa is deeply caring and responsive to any issues. Happy to give her time and always sending descriptive emails that just made things ok! I would recommend these sessions with Dheepa to anyone wanting to deepen themselves and move forward in their lives! Thank you!”

KJ, Auckland

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Rachel, Auckland

"I was instantly drawn to the lovely Dheepa's offering with the Divine Feminine Leadership workshop she ran one Saturday. She had a very joyful, clear, lively and loving way of facilitating the workshop and ensuring everyone had the chance to speak. She channelled beautiful wisdom throughout the day, really taking the time to be present with each woman in the group. I experienced some profound insights thanks to her facilitation and allowing the wisdom of the group collective to come through. A penny dropped for me that day after a creation I made from an art therapy session and the feedback I received. I never realised my soul still wanted me to share my story of overcoming endometriosis - something I gave up on a long time ago out of fear that my path was too unusual for other people to grasp, understand or even want to be inspired from.

I’ve since gone away, created an altar in the middle of my living space that changes weekly with fresh flowers, cards, crystals and personal wishes hand written in little pieces of paper. I have been inspired to write and design a book sharing my story and offering insights that I hope may help open other women to a different way of seeing how to heal from this debilitating condition that affects millions around the world. I would love to create the kind of guide that I wished I’d had as a young woman walking a sovereign path of taking healing into my own hands.

Lastly, I learnt that when stepping into feminine leadership you actually don’t need to know exactly what your offering or calling is. Just knowing you want to be in service to your highest calling is a big step in itself and granting yourself the space and time to allow that journey to unfold and the story to be told is so important.

So thank you Dheepa for creating the space and opportunity for us all to connect with deeper aspects of ourselves. I wish you well on this chosen path."

Rachel, Auckland

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RM, Auckland

“Every time I connect and work with Dheepa I find myself making big shifts in my spiritual journey. Dheepa asks questions that get right to the point while being nurturing and respectful of my process. I am on a high after the rising Divine Feminine Leader workshop, where I had so many unexpected but amazing aha moments through creative exploration. thank you Dheepa for your encouragement”

-RM, Auckland

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Julia, Auckland

"Thank you thank you thank you for such an amazing day on Saturday. A lot came up for me.. things I hadn't even realised were there...but also a deeper connection to the Divine Feminine and the Goddess which is my greatest desire. Through the intuitive creative art I experienced what it was to truly trust, surrender and flow, to allow my truth to come through without thought or story or conditioning... .and it was beautiful. It was feminine and free and wild abandonment. I wasn't held back by fear or lack of self worth or self love. It was pure, magical and LOVE."

-Julia, Auckland, New Zealand

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Kelly, Wainui, New Zealand

“Dheepa has an intuitive style of calling in ‘guides’ for backup - in assisting you to peel away the layers, whilst still managing to hold you in a safe and gentle space is second to none.

Dheepa is one of those rare practitioners, who does not set a ‘Holy Grail’ benchmark that you ‘should’ have reached by the time you and your ship take to the waters without her. But neither does she shy away from the hard questions that need to be asked. In these modern times, of overwhelm, her style is refreshing and encouraging, at a time when people are so worn down by ‘benchmarks’, they may indeed have shied away from work, that may have otherwise benefitted them. Whether you feel spat out of the ‘corporate machine’ or perhaps peering out of the restricted place you find yourself in and left wondering how you got there – knowing there is a freedom, a happiness and an unharnessed power (on a path yet explored) is a bright light in the darkness.

Dive in. Because, no matter where you are on your path, Dheepa will take you on a journey that will sustain and nourish you. Readying you for your next layer of amazing 😊”

- Kelly, Wainui, New Zealand

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AJ, Santa Barbara, CA

“Every session has been amazing, what a journey! I feel like I’m getting it, the more I practice, the more I am trusting everything that’s unfolding. Although I know I’m going to have those self-doubts creep back in, I really acknowledge Dheepa for supporting me through it so compassionately. Always bringing it back to how I feel in the moment and to open myself to receive.”

-AJ, Santa Barbara, CA

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Kylie, Auckland, New Zealand

“The transformative safe space of the divine feminine consciousness container is not like anything I’ve ever experienced before, and the opportunity arose in a timely manner when I was ready to explore what becoming empowered through the divine feminine really means.

Dheepa is able to offer loving insight and wisdom through her own experience and personal development in this realm, facilitated by her connection with the ascended masters.

It is like having a wise and deeply connected friend there just for you, as you navigate your challenges in life, through the lens of the heart centred feminine, as opposed to a patriarchal blueprint in our minds that we have often been accustomed to see life through.”

-Kylie, Auckland, New Zealand

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