Gavan, Auckland

“My work with Dheepa has been a surprising joy, gifting me a deep and subtle pathway to self-care, compassion and creativity.
I have done a lot of work with a variety of therapists and workshops over the last 30 years that have bought much healing and self-understanding. Uncovering my family and cultural and gender myths to reveal my traumatised abandoned child within, and the pattern of cultural comforts for my pain that were isolating, destructive and addictive.
Connecting with Dheepa to the divine feminine within and without enables a divine mothering of that traumatised child within, bringing a peace I have hungered for all my life. It enables me to feel and I hope express my joy and compassion for others. Knowing the cosmic divine womb within and beyond opens a portal to creativity in a way I have seldom experienced to.
Although it’s a zoom session, talking, listening and meditating, it’s also a very embodied practice, perhaps through my own and Dheepa’s past work. The insights have unlocked and given deeper understanding of the blockages in my mind, emotions and spirit that I feel in my tight neck and shoulders, my lower back and hips vulnerable to injuries. It has brought much peace and relief to so many levels of my life and relationships.
Having each session recorded enables me to ground and deepen the insights between sessions and to fully engage with the mystery of this extraordinary gift of life I have been graced to live.
Many thanks, Gavan”


Katherine, Melbourne


Kimberley, Auckland