Personal Transformation Reflections
Mature and Courageous Lover of Truth
Maturity and courage offer a powerful combination in our spiritual journey to support us speak our truth and embody our authentic creative expression.
Commitment - as an act of Sacred Union
The energy of pure commitment comes through as the Sacred Masculine - with that I mean the energy of pure consicoussness that is represented as the Divine Masculine within you (not someone outside you).
For your Feminine Spirit (i.e the Creative energy within you) to have her desires met or her creations manifested, your Sacred Masculine comes forward through your commitment to make it happen. It is a grounding of that feminine desire in a strong masculine container. All of this applies regardless of gender identification.
Mistakes are catalysts for your growth
It is easy to choose the ‘safe’ option and ‘avoid mistakes’. But that’s not where your life is. The life waiting for you requires you to take a risk (even if it is a ‘mistake’) and explore a new undiscovered pathway. One step at a time.