Group Journey
Know Thyself
Beloved Woman and Friend. Do you hear the call?
Do you feel like your path in life has reached an impasse? Everything that was once familiar to you is falling apart and you feel like you are losing your very sense of identity. As confusing as it may feel, this is a sign that you are beginning your personal pilgrimage to reclaim your Divine Feminine Power, the journey of meeting the authentic you.
Chances are, you have reached breaking point and you know your life can never be the same again.
This is exactly how life is meant to unravel for you, to meet the innate divine feminine within who has been shut down for so long and now ready to be unleashed.
You have to be ready for letting go of the old life, again and again. This letting go can be a deeply painful yet absolutely essential and necessary transformational one.
Ready to let go of being the savior, martyr rescuing and helping everyone else. It is time to choose YOU as priority.
Ready to come into new relationship with yourself. This may mean letting go of old relationships that do not serve your evolution.
Ready to get sober to the patterns that are keeping you stuck in behaviors that are disempowering. Release these stories and reclaim your authentic blueprint.
But this process is not for everyone. This path is for you if:
You are ready and willing to step into the cauldron of transformation again and again to meet the empowered one waiting within you
You want to embody and express the totality of your Feminine Force
You know and are willing to do the deep inner work that unleashes your Feminine Force in mightier ways
Your Feminine Force is your Śakti. It is your UNIQUE EXPRESSION.
When you activate your Śakti, you will embrace more of life in an empowered way.
Your connection to your Śakti will show you how to truly stand in your fierce autonomy as an empowered woman
It will show you how to live and create from that empowered place, birthing forth new forms for your liberation and for others
Your connection to Śakti is your journey toward empowered freedom
It is your journey toward Being the Goddess that you are
When we begin to let go lifelong oppressive beliefs that have limited and restricted the full expression of our feminine power, reclaim all that was oppressed, that is when we begin our life of meeting the truth of who we are, our authentic being. We become the Goddess we are.
It is in my daily living, in my humanity and all the feelings that come with it AND the Feminine Power that breathes me through it, where I meet the Goddess that I am. That to me is the process of awakening and that it’s a journey never a destination. In this place, I find my empowered and liberated self, choosing a fearless life every day.
The more we operate from this place of the Goddess, the quicker the letting go becomes, the quicker we can transform the pain felt in our human experience to Be the Goddess that we are.
Structure of Sessions (please note this has now changed)
A sacred container will be weaved and co-created calling in the great ancient ones who have walked this path and are here to champion us as our most committed cheerleaders. The over-lighting mentors for these sessions will be Kali, Quan Yin and Mother Mary.
The energy of this container will be transformative. It is best for those who are serious about reclaiming their liberation.
Kali Yantra (source image downloaded from
To ensure you receive as much individual guidance and support, we will only have a max of 3 participants.
We will have a total of 4 sessions, 2hrs per session (plus one bonus Q&A session)
We will meet fortnightly
The curriculum will be based on an intuitive unfolding with the theme and intention to Know Thyself. Over the course of 4 weeks, the intention is to:
Demystify what your feminine force is (your Sakti). Own it, activate it, BE it.
Explore the challenges in owning your feminine force and the journey of navigating the difficult moments
Explore rituals and creative practices to deepen your embodiment of your feminine force, thus meeting yourself in a new way
Through meditation, feel into the consciousness of the Feminine and where this energy wants to be expressed more in your everyday life
Explore your call to action and identify how best to navigate the fears and resistances arising
Connect with like-minded souls on this journey and know you are never alone
In each session, we will explore a new practice to support your journey. These practices will be relevant and specific to the group's personal journey.
Each session will build on the next. It is best that you attend all 4 sessions live.
Be prepared and willing to share what is unfolding for you.The fee is a sliding scale, pay anywhere between US$111 and US$222 for 10.5 hours of deep exploration, receiving personal guidance, in a small group.
Bonus: Receive an A5 painting of your personal radiance that I will intuitively paint and convert digitally to email it to you (or post if you are in NZ).
Proposed Dates and time in NZT (we can change the dates and time to suit the group): Sunday 25th April 11am to 1:30pm (opening ceremony), 9th May 11am, 23rd May 11am, 6th June 11am, 20th June (bonus Q&A) 11am. - Fully Booked
Next Set of Dates Now Open for registration (these dates can be adjusted based on the participants request) - 16th May, 30th May, 13th June, 27th June
If you are keen to participate, let me know your alternative preferred day of the week and time and your time zone.
This is for you if:
Everything you have read so far resonates with you
You feel a deep calling to Know Thyself
You are drawn to the Divine Feminine lineage even if you do not really understand what this means
You engage in self-awareness practices and you are willing to do the inner work required
You are willing to be vulnerable and share your reflections in a group setting
You are not expecting me or anyone/anything outside you to do the work for you
As your facilitator, I am deeply privileged, honored and humbled to co-create this sacred space with you.
My practice is based on integrating and embodying my sovereign divine being through my lived experience on this path, honouring my body as a vehicle for Divinity to express herself. It is such an honour for me to share with you the sacred medicine from my journey and my loving guidance for your expansion and empowerment on your path to awaken the Divine Feminine within.
The journey of Knowing Thyself is the journey of the Goddess being expressed through one self-transformational journey at a time. No glorious goal to achieve here, only a daily revolutionary choice to always be the Goddess on this journey.
I am so deeply passionate to help women come home to themselves and express this authentic knowing of self as the Goddess. To find their freedom in the release. To find the love that we all seek and the empowered expression from within by Being the Goddess.
If you are drawn to participate in this journey through an intimate group container of a maximum of 3 women, please register your interest now by emailing me: