Creative Joy
Bring your questions and lets inquire together the challenges in accessing your creative joy
THERE IS NO SUCCESS OR FAILURE in our true authentic blueprint. Which means everything you do is an invitation for more creative joy. What if you brought this joy to stacking shelves or spending time with your children – where every moment is an opportunity for CREATIVE joy?
I’m curious – how does that invitation make you feel?
To me, I feel a frustration arise. I hear this frustrated one in me scream in silence “I don’t want to be doing this, I want to be doing that”. When I give this frustrated one in me a place to be FULLY SEEN, FULLY HEARD, FULLY EXPRESSED I get to FULLY witness the depth of this frustration. Not to become frustrated, but to become aware of my relationship to frustration. With a new relationship to frustration, I can reach a new depth of relating to this present moment, beyond the old discomforts of frustration in the way. When fully present to this now moment, I can easily ‘disappear’ so that my creative calling can be fully expressed.
If you feel drawn to exploring whatever feelings may be arising for you currently, be it frustration or sense of helplessness or maybe a sense of curiosity, join me online in a free sacred companioning circle next Saturday Feb 6th NZT 11am. Together we will explore how to navigate the feelings and be fully present to our creative calling. I will also be sharing a little about my next one-day workshop coming up in February on Dancing Your Authentic Dance.
Click on this link on NZT Sat Feb 6th 11am:
So many blessings and love to you on your journey.
Hi, I’m Dheepa
I mentor women and men who are drawn to the mysteries of the Divine Feminine and who are seeking to live in alignment with their soul’s calling. My practice is based on integrating and embodying my sovereign divine being through my lived experience on this path, honouring my body as a vehicle for Divinity to express herself. It is such an honour for me to share with you the sacred medicine from my journey and my loving guidance for your expansion and empowerment on your path to awaken the Divine Feminine within.